You Walk Along with Me
“It is virtually impossible to understand horses from a Native American perspective without first understanding how
Natives view their relationship to all animals and all of creation.” Gawani Pony Boy
Natives view their relationship to all animals and all of creation.” Gawani Pony Boy

A belief that we are “all related”, “all connected” and that life is a “Sacred Circle” are viewpoints from which I’ve come once again to walk in this world. My journey to remembering who I am today has been a long walk with many steps. Some, on the softest grass imaginable and some in wet and sticky muck, the kind that pull off your boots leaving you trying to stay balanced. It is with sincere intent that I work with the teachings from nature, humans and horses alike and embody this with heart and compassion when supporting my fellow humans and working with EFL (Equine Facilitated Learning).
For me healing means looking at my life experiences with compassionate lenses that honored and embraced my life and the lives of my Metis ancestors. With reflection, acceptance, forgiveness of the good, the bad and the ugly. The responsibility I play in co-creating my life. This process was solidified in ways I never imagined when I made my drum in 2002. My drum led me back to remembering the healing I received as a child and young adult when in the presence of horses. Once again they have guided me home to the love that lives in my heart. My Spirit is alive as I share my personal medicine, that of the drum and the horses.
In that time, I have come to know where I come from physically and as a Spirit, through the wisdom of the horses, drums and nature. Hearing stories of the ways in which the First People of Turtle Island interacted from a place of heart with this “big-dog” spoke directly to what I had experienced in their presence.
By respecting the wisdom of all of Creation, the Earth Mother, Sun, Moon, Sky, the clouds, plants & animal families, seasons and cycles we can receive guidance that prompts insightfulness and remembering of the wisdom we carry. One of the most important symbols is the circle and it is represented throughout Creation as most things in nature try to resemble a circle. A beautiful shape that is unending with no beginning and only one center that we are all part of.
As beings of the Earth we can once again tune into Great Mystery’s subtle energies by becoming more aware of our surroundings and mindful of the flow of our thoughts and emotions. Connecting deeply with nature there is opportunity to review what insight is being offered in unique ways from a world unseen by most, mysterious for many and the memory alive within each of us.
Horses changed life for the First People by offering the gift of time for exploring Great Mystery, through their spirituality, creativity through art, drumming, ceremony and song. They were seen to represent power, travel and freedom. Journeys took less time and were made easier by these striking majestic beings.
Warriors developed the most incredible relationship with their horses, one not based on words but on leadership, intention and desire. Both the trust in Nature and that of humankind were needed to be present from moment to moment in times of attack or that of hunting but was not the same thing. I have learned that words such as trust, faith, belief, integrity and promise were not part of language for it just was part of the way. The horse and rider were one with each other and all of creation.
In Nature horses live in herds and work together for survival as prey animals. When you are provided with the opportunity, take the time to observe their interactions and nonverbal communication. Witness them going with the flow, so to speak, when it comes to experiencing emotion as individuals and as a herd. Allowing feelings of joy, fear, grief, anger, exhilaration, to name a few, to be experienced simply as information, without judging the feeling as good or bad, just information about their momentary situation. Their focus not on what one of a herd member did yesterday nor on what one of them might do tomorrow. Moment to moment, breath to breath they live in the now and can teach us to do the same.
Being in Circle with the horse as teacher, as in the round pen, is to be in connection with a fellow inhabitant of the Earth. They are a powerful animal and can be intimidating just as some of life’s challenges can be. When mutual respect of boundaries is achieved and you become authentically present you will be carried to a place your heart recognizes and longs to know, home.
For me, where a horse stands in the round pen, how it and the client move as individuals and partners, what is said and not said has relevance and can stimulate further discoveries and experienced learning. This information can encourage clients to become open to trusting the wisdom of their heart space and the guidance being offered by the horse and their surroundings. Connecting and opening all the senses to the energies being presented when with the horse in that instance is essential. Respecting with reverence, acknowledging through gratitude that we do not walk alone and that there are inherent dependencies when sharing life on the back of our Great Mother.
Most Native American legends and stories place importance on what all things can teach us, animals and horses in particular, can communicate and teach us. They are teachers of what has been known and practiced by the Shaman and Medicine people for thousands of years. Those things that are felt by the heart without touching the air as words. The feeling on the skin of goosebumps, a tingling scalp or tugging at your core. I have seen those who viewed animal-human communication as impossible and nonsensical, experience a moment of deep and profound interspecies connection.
If we envision ourselves as a circle divided into four with each quarter representing a space for our mind, body, spirit and heart to reside then when in balance we roll along smoothly. One area in neglect results in a bumpier ride. When in circle with horse we can gain clarity into what is needed to recover this balance and become clearer on what is needed for our own personal circle in connection to the bigger circle of life.
Horses teach us to be in and learn from our heart space, the place of authenticity. Learning to hear the whispers of our own soul, that of the horses and that of your Creator. Knowing we do not walk alone and that we are part of the sacred circle is key. Knowing that there are countless helpers surrounding us at all time is soul satisfying and enables us to develop insights and relationship with our surroundings and self. Whether Native American, shamanic, or other traditional teachings the horses guide us to a remembering and knowing deep inside of us.
The wisdom of our journey HOME to our hearts as we walk in circle with life
For me healing means looking at my life experiences with compassionate lenses that honored and embraced my life and the lives of my Metis ancestors. With reflection, acceptance, forgiveness of the good, the bad and the ugly. The responsibility I play in co-creating my life. This process was solidified in ways I never imagined when I made my drum in 2002. My drum led me back to remembering the healing I received as a child and young adult when in the presence of horses. Once again they have guided me home to the love that lives in my heart. My Spirit is alive as I share my personal medicine, that of the drum and the horses.
In that time, I have come to know where I come from physically and as a Spirit, through the wisdom of the horses, drums and nature. Hearing stories of the ways in which the First People of Turtle Island interacted from a place of heart with this “big-dog” spoke directly to what I had experienced in their presence.
By respecting the wisdom of all of Creation, the Earth Mother, Sun, Moon, Sky, the clouds, plants & animal families, seasons and cycles we can receive guidance that prompts insightfulness and remembering of the wisdom we carry. One of the most important symbols is the circle and it is represented throughout Creation as most things in nature try to resemble a circle. A beautiful shape that is unending with no beginning and only one center that we are all part of.
As beings of the Earth we can once again tune into Great Mystery’s subtle energies by becoming more aware of our surroundings and mindful of the flow of our thoughts and emotions. Connecting deeply with nature there is opportunity to review what insight is being offered in unique ways from a world unseen by most, mysterious for many and the memory alive within each of us.
Horses changed life for the First People by offering the gift of time for exploring Great Mystery, through their spirituality, creativity through art, drumming, ceremony and song. They were seen to represent power, travel and freedom. Journeys took less time and were made easier by these striking majestic beings.
Warriors developed the most incredible relationship with their horses, one not based on words but on leadership, intention and desire. Both the trust in Nature and that of humankind were needed to be present from moment to moment in times of attack or that of hunting but was not the same thing. I have learned that words such as trust, faith, belief, integrity and promise were not part of language for it just was part of the way. The horse and rider were one with each other and all of creation.
In Nature horses live in herds and work together for survival as prey animals. When you are provided with the opportunity, take the time to observe their interactions and nonverbal communication. Witness them going with the flow, so to speak, when it comes to experiencing emotion as individuals and as a herd. Allowing feelings of joy, fear, grief, anger, exhilaration, to name a few, to be experienced simply as information, without judging the feeling as good or bad, just information about their momentary situation. Their focus not on what one of a herd member did yesterday nor on what one of them might do tomorrow. Moment to moment, breath to breath they live in the now and can teach us to do the same.
Being in Circle with the horse as teacher, as in the round pen, is to be in connection with a fellow inhabitant of the Earth. They are a powerful animal and can be intimidating just as some of life’s challenges can be. When mutual respect of boundaries is achieved and you become authentically present you will be carried to a place your heart recognizes and longs to know, home.
For me, where a horse stands in the round pen, how it and the client move as individuals and partners, what is said and not said has relevance and can stimulate further discoveries and experienced learning. This information can encourage clients to become open to trusting the wisdom of their heart space and the guidance being offered by the horse and their surroundings. Connecting and opening all the senses to the energies being presented when with the horse in that instance is essential. Respecting with reverence, acknowledging through gratitude that we do not walk alone and that there are inherent dependencies when sharing life on the back of our Great Mother.
Most Native American legends and stories place importance on what all things can teach us, animals and horses in particular, can communicate and teach us. They are teachers of what has been known and practiced by the Shaman and Medicine people for thousands of years. Those things that are felt by the heart without touching the air as words. The feeling on the skin of goosebumps, a tingling scalp or tugging at your core. I have seen those who viewed animal-human communication as impossible and nonsensical, experience a moment of deep and profound interspecies connection.
If we envision ourselves as a circle divided into four with each quarter representing a space for our mind, body, spirit and heart to reside then when in balance we roll along smoothly. One area in neglect results in a bumpier ride. When in circle with horse we can gain clarity into what is needed to recover this balance and become clearer on what is needed for our own personal circle in connection to the bigger circle of life.
Horses teach us to be in and learn from our heart space, the place of authenticity. Learning to hear the whispers of our own soul, that of the horses and that of your Creator. Knowing we do not walk alone and that we are part of the sacred circle is key. Knowing that there are countless helpers surrounding us at all time is soul satisfying and enables us to develop insights and relationship with our surroundings and self. Whether Native American, shamanic, or other traditional teachings the horses guide us to a remembering and knowing deep inside of us.
The wisdom of our journey HOME to our hearts as we walk in circle with life
“Great Mystery before me your beauty for all to see. I am walking with a knowing I walk for thee. Joyfully spreading your medicine with everyone I see. I’m walking with a knowing you walk along with me.”
Adele, Heart Medicine Woman
Adele, Heart Medicine Woman
Adele Passmore Bio
Adele is a passionate Health and Wellness Practitioner, FEEL Facilitator and Thai Massage Practitioner as well as a Yoga Exercise Specialist. A writer, artist, singer, song catcher and is working on her first cd release. Adele's journey to discovering and connecting with her Metis heritage and ultimately finding her voice began when she made her drum more than fifteen years ago. She is the carrier of more than 35 handmade drums offering workshops and circles wherever she is call to. An inspirational speaker, storyteller, presenter who loves sharing her story, one of inner strength and determination to overcome child abuse, domestic violence and drug addiction. She is grateful and honoured to walk as she does today, living and loving a life filled with magic and miracles she never imagined experiencing. Adele is without a doubt gifted at connecting with folks of all ages and is authentically raw and divinely inspired in all she offers the world. Holding space for the remembering of the pureness of our love and light, our purest gift upon our arrival into the world. In her song Little Girl, a story of a damaged and broken spirit finding purpose and meaning in her life: "Healing hearts with horses at her side, drum in hand, Spirit as her guide." Adele is currently working on establishing H.E.L.P (Human Equine Love Project), an initiative supported by those with more means than needs paying it forward to help those with more needs than means. Connect with Adele to learn more. |