Four years ago, I published the 1st issue of Equine Leadership. Now we are proud to welcome you to Equine Leadership’s 4th Edition (EL4). I started this paragraph with an “I” and moved to “we” because Equine Leadership is now team based, WE based. I offer my utmost appreciation to Becci Godfrey and Pat Hutchinson for their time and effort put into this magazine. They were here for EL3 and now an integral part of bringing EL4 to life.
Never underestimate what a small group of women can do!
We have evolved much this year. A new website, www.equineleadership.ca is a nesting place for ALL Equine Leadership articles. A Facebook page where we feature articles and author interviews. What will the year ahead hold for EL? This magazine is deeply rooted in our vision that we believe horses, living as close to nature as possible, can provide a model for living that is clear, authentic and heart-based. We aim to share this equine model of peaceful and positive living. Equine Leadership comes from a desire to share the voice of the horse. And that is how this year’s theme came to be.
I share this in my article that wraps up the magazine; Living Differently - Changing the Paradigm to Freedom . Suffice to say the horses spoke, we listened. I believe humans are looking for ways to ‘live differently’ and this is the thread that ties all of these articles together.
We start with, Connections. We have been connected to horses for millennia. This article delves into that connection and how it is time for us to reconnect with horses and ourselves. We travel from there to the present with a beautiful story, The Pony That Spoke to my Inner Child in which a very special pony offered the author reassurance on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We all need that reassurance and that is just what the next article offers. Horses and Humans Helping Each Other Heal is the story of HorseLink, an organization that offers reassurance for retired horses who continue to have purpose by assisting veterans and others through life altering events.
The Horse, The Human and The Cycle of Somatic Presence shows us how the horses bring us into the moment and teach us to be our ‘authentic, embodied selves’. We loop around again to connections in Respectful Connections. Read about research on how humans and horses connect and in turn how humans connect with each other. In Let Fear Lead the Way we read how horses show us our fears and challenge us to let them go. In Be Still and Know we hear how horses are always there for one child affected by trauma and ultimately guide her into strong and resilient adulthood. Freedom is a Feeling brings us into a state of calm and gives us some tips on how to be at home in our bodies. Giving Voice Through Choice shows us how horses help us make healthy choices in life. One with the Herd demonstrates how presence and breathing can bring us into a state of calm. A new awareness that brings positive changes. It is all about those skills we use and those shifts we make to Live Differently.
It has been an honour to travel this journey of EL4 thus far. The voice of the horse coming through so many talented authors. It is always my hope that in reading this magazine you have answered a call from the horses. If an article touches your heart, please let the author know. Then visit a herd to hear from them how you might Change Your Paradigm to Freedom and Live Differently.
As always, from my heart to yours! Lynda Watson, founder of Equine Leadership.
Never underestimate what a small group of women can do!
We have evolved much this year. A new website, www.equineleadership.ca is a nesting place for ALL Equine Leadership articles. A Facebook page where we feature articles and author interviews. What will the year ahead hold for EL? This magazine is deeply rooted in our vision that we believe horses, living as close to nature as possible, can provide a model for living that is clear, authentic and heart-based. We aim to share this equine model of peaceful and positive living. Equine Leadership comes from a desire to share the voice of the horse. And that is how this year’s theme came to be.
I share this in my article that wraps up the magazine; Living Differently - Changing the Paradigm to Freedom . Suffice to say the horses spoke, we listened. I believe humans are looking for ways to ‘live differently’ and this is the thread that ties all of these articles together.
We start with, Connections. We have been connected to horses for millennia. This article delves into that connection and how it is time for us to reconnect with horses and ourselves. We travel from there to the present with a beautiful story, The Pony That Spoke to my Inner Child in which a very special pony offered the author reassurance on a rainy Sunday afternoon. We all need that reassurance and that is just what the next article offers. Horses and Humans Helping Each Other Heal is the story of HorseLink, an organization that offers reassurance for retired horses who continue to have purpose by assisting veterans and others through life altering events.
The Horse, The Human and The Cycle of Somatic Presence shows us how the horses bring us into the moment and teach us to be our ‘authentic, embodied selves’. We loop around again to connections in Respectful Connections. Read about research on how humans and horses connect and in turn how humans connect with each other. In Let Fear Lead the Way we read how horses show us our fears and challenge us to let them go. In Be Still and Know we hear how horses are always there for one child affected by trauma and ultimately guide her into strong and resilient adulthood. Freedom is a Feeling brings us into a state of calm and gives us some tips on how to be at home in our bodies. Giving Voice Through Choice shows us how horses help us make healthy choices in life. One with the Herd demonstrates how presence and breathing can bring us into a state of calm. A new awareness that brings positive changes. It is all about those skills we use and those shifts we make to Live Differently.
It has been an honour to travel this journey of EL4 thus far. The voice of the horse coming through so many talented authors. It is always my hope that in reading this magazine you have answered a call from the horses. If an article touches your heart, please let the author know. Then visit a herd to hear from them how you might Change Your Paradigm to Freedom and Live Differently.
As always, from my heart to yours! Lynda Watson, founder of Equine Leadership.