An Introduction to the third piece of The Book of Realizations trilogy:
Sacred Space for Inner Musings
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
William Wordsworth
A journal can be used in many ways with any multitude of intentions. What does The Book of Realizations HeartBeat Journal offer that varies from others? To answer that, let us start at the beginning and work our way to the present pages of this sacred space you are holding.
The journal was born from The Book of Realizations: Guiding Insights from the Horses, Nature, Humanity, and Within. That book along with a deck of cards that shared the photos and wisdom from said book were published in May 2024 by Lynda J Watson.
If you have not read the book the following is a short description. “The Book of Realizations is a collection of thirty personal realizations gathered and supported by wisdom from the equine herd, nature and her intelligence, my fellow human travelers, and my own inner well of wisdom. They are articulated from the heart with a sense of raw authenticity and from a space of genuine positivity. One might say it is a set of authentic tools that will offer support on the journey forward and into the present moment. This book is about nature and her intelligence which is within and around us all. We have a connection to everything. That is our nature. That is our home. This collection of guiding insights is a handbook to humanity's journey home.”
Each chapter of the book was written as a separate entity. Although they have been placed in an order that felt like they flowed, they are not tied to each other. It can be read from cover to cover or one can simply trust that the chapter they land on has insight for the moment. A question can be asked and the book opened to where the reader is drawn to. OR, one can use the Book of Realizations Card Deck. Each card matches a corresponding realization plus words of wisdom to ignite reflection. Each will surely share its insight for the present moment.
After those were published there was still a whisper from that inner voice. The power of three suggested that there was one more piece to this trilogy; a journal. But I, Lynda J Watson, was not to do that alone. Hence began the collaboration between Rosanne Morphy and myself and the journey of this journal.
The Book of Realizations’ premis is to listen clearly to one’s inner voice and Trust It All, No Matter What. With that in mind, The HeartBeat Journal was created. It is a sacred space to tend to your inner musings, a space for you and you alone. It is a space to consider, reflect, explore, and discover the intrinsic in you and how the extrinsic flows in relation to you. It is then a space to look back at a later date and reflect on your inner evolution over time. Each chapter or realization, of which there are thirty to correspond to the book, offers prompts for you to read, reflect and take action on, in your own individual way. For clarity, let us look at how the chapters are set up.
Each includes: a photo corresponding to the book and card deck including wisdom from that realization, a short consideration piece to set the stage for what that realization focuses on, and four prompts to inspire your journaling. First, a reflection prompt that will offer directions to consider your past in relation to that particular realization. With that considered, one moves on to exploration. An opportunity to deliberate on how you might think, feel or act in response to said realization. Next, we look at discovery. This prompt invites you to realize new ways of being with that particular awareness. When those are completed, we invite you to leave them for a while. A week, a month, or whenever your inner voice calls you back. When you do return, you are asked to reflect on your inner evolution. Are you more aware or conscious of that particular aspect of your life? Do you listen and live with an expanded heart? Do you hear your inner voice and allow it to become your guiding tenet?
Try out one of our prompts below from Realization #1 - Our Inner Voice is Our Guiding Tenet.
We suggest you find a blank journal to extend your musings on the prompts within these pages. This is your sacred space so find wide open wilderness in the empty pages of that unfilled journal and delve deep into your musings. It is there you will find your guiding tenet speaking to you.
This journal is to be guided by your heart. There is no set order to work on the chapters. Follow what speaks to you or work your way through it methodically. What matters is that you Do The Work. A commitment is what it takes for positive inner evolution
What you will find in these pages is a positive paradigm of living, authenticity, and flow. Each of those are mentioned often as they are keystones to a well-lived life. You will find nature and her intelligence which is within and around us all. We are nature and therefore hold that nature intelligence within our cells. With that, we are connected to everything. That is our home. You will find the horses’ guiding insights. In The Book of Realizations, the horses took a center spot to share their wisdom. Here, it is all about you. The horses are there, in the photos, but they have taken a step back to give you the stage. Know they are always with you in spirit, holding sacred space for you to grow and evolve just as you need to.
It is our hopes that you never finish this journal. Don’t speed your way through it with an end goal in mind. As Ralph Waldo Emerson so eloquently said, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey”. It is about evolving along the sacred path that is yours to take. Put it on the shelf now and then. Pick it up when it calls to you or when you are called to it.
Mostly, this journal is about you finding the best path through this exquisite journey called life, and finding a way to live it with love and compassion. May you find wisdom through your inner musings and may this book hold you in sacred space to explore your passage through time. May you fill this journal with the beatings of your heart.
From our hearts to yours,